Prayer Asking Jesus For Deliverance

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

Prayer Asking Jesus For Deliverance

Dear Lord,
You are my gentle Healer, able to to deliver me from this present suffering.
Will You deliver me, Lord?
Will You extend Your mercy to me today?
I love You and trust You, offering thanks and praise to Your almighty name.
Please Lord, soften my heart towards You and protect it from the arrows of the devil.
I know that you never tempt anyone and all that I am facing now is because I was tempted by the devil.
I took wrong decisions which make me suffer now.
Please come to change all these bad things happening to me to my good.
This is Your promise.
Please guard my heart and keep me fastened in Your love and grace.
Please Lord, protect my mind from all thoughts of hatred and revenge.
Come and filter out the lies and distractions of the enemy.
Give me the power to resist all his evil thoughts.
Replace negative thoughts with thoughts of love, hope, and joy.
Help me Lord, to remember Your words in the Gospel that offer comfort in times of sadness, and bring to my mind the fruit of Your Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.
Please give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, fixing my mind on heavenly things.
In Jesus’ precious name, I pray.

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