The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom
Today's Prayer
Giving Praise To Jesus
My Lord,
Your Word tells me who You are.
I shout to You with cries of joy.
You alone are awesome.
You are the Great King over all the earth.
You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
My heart rejoices when I sing praises to You for You are seated on Your holy throne and You reign over all the nations.
Thank You for loving me and giving me the chance to change and be in Your image and likeness.
Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit my comforter and helper which guides me and gives me wisdom.
I am surrendering everything of me to You, Lord.
Please let Your Holy Spirit come over me to sanctify me and make me new.
I want to be holy as You are Holy.
I have faith that You will answer all my prayers because You said ask and you will be given.
I trust Your words Lord.
I praise Your name with thanksgiving.
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