Praying Praising Jesus’ Name

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

Praying Praising Jesus’ Name

Jesus my Lord,
I want to thank You cause You are so good to me.
Your kindness and mercy overwhelm me.
Your blessings are abundant in my life.
Not only because I feel a sense of calm today but also because You have worked so miraculously through all of the hard times.
You have kept Your promise never to leave me or forsake me, and I can see Your hand, which has been steady through all the turbulence of my life.
Thank You for Your faithfulness.
Thank You for Your provision.
Thank You that I can trust You when times are hard and know for sure that You will change all the bad circumstances to good, cause I love You Lord.
I trust Your words cause You are faithful even when I am not.
Thank You for working even when things look chaotic.
I pray that I can remember to put You first every day.
Please help me carve out quiet time to spend reading Your Word and listening to Your voice.
Even when I am living in abundance, You still speak to me.
Please speak and show me what I need to know.
My life is in Your hands, Lord.
I want to acknowledge You in all my ways so that You will make my path straight.
Lead me and guide me away from things that are destructive and help me to spend time in places that build You up and bring glory to Your name.
I praise Your name now and forever.

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