The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom
Today's Prayer
Prayer Of Thanksgiving
Dear Jesus,
I praise You for Your goodness and love.
I'm coming before You today to give You thanks.
I'm sorry I haven't been the best at praising You or thanking You.
All of this changes today as my heart will be focused on You.
I often struggle to give thanks in hard situations.
Please help me to change this and to give You thanks in all circumstances.
This is what You want me to do and I know it will help me to begin to be more thankful in my daily life.
You said prayer with thankfulness will change my life and my perspectives.
I am so thankful for leading me to Your way, the way that leads me to Your eternal life, love, and joy.
Lord, I want my inner eyes and heart see You and You alone.
I do not want to be entangled with all the false attractions of this corrupted world. Lord, I want to see You in my life.
I want to represent You in my community and at work.
I want to be in Your image and likeness, filled with Your love and compassion.
Thank You for giving this opportunity every day to talk with You in prayer.
In Your precious name, I pray.
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