Table Etiquette (By Ben Sira)

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Wisdom

Table Etiquette (By Ben Sira)

Are you seated at the table of the great?
Bring to it no greedy gullet, Nor say, “How much food there is here!”
Remember that the greedy eye is evil.
What has been created more greedy than the eye.
Therefore, it weeps for any cause.
Recognize that your neighbor feels as you do, and keep in mind everything you dislike.
Toward what he looks at, do not put out a hand; nor reach for the same dish when he does.
Eat, like anyone else, what is set before you, but do not eat greedily, lest you be despised.
Be the first to stop, as befits good manners; and do not gorge yourself, lest you give offense.
If there are many with you at table, do not be the first to stretch out your hand.
Does not a little suffice for a well-bred person?
When he lies down, he does not wheeze.
Moderate eating ensures sound slumber and a clear mind on rising the next day.
The distress of sleeplessness and of nausea and colic are with the glutton!
Should you have eaten too much, get up to vomit* and you will have relief.
Listen to me, my child, and do not scorn me; later you will find my advice good.
In whatever you do, be moderate, and no sickness will befall you.
People bless one who is generous with food, and this testimony to his goodness is lasting.
The city complains about one who is stingy with food, and this testimony to his stinginess is lasting.
Let not wine be the proof of your strength, for wine has been the ruin of many.
As the furnace tests the work of the smith, so does wine the hearts of the insolent.
Wine is very life to anyone, if taken in moderation.
Does anyone really live who lacks the wine which from the beginning was created for joy?
Joy of heart, good cheer, and delight is wine enough, drunk at the proper time.
Headache, bitterness, and disgrace is wine drunk amid anger and strife.
Wine in excess is a snare for the fool; it lessens strength and multiplies wounds.
Do not wrangle with your neighbor when wine is served, nor despise him while he is having a good time; Say no harsh words to him nor distress him by making demands.

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