The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom
Today's Prayer
Prayer Asking For God’s Deliverance
Dear Lord,
I come to You today with all the pain and hurt that I carry in my heart.
My heart aches, and I can’t imagine the pain ever going away.
I am living in a dark tunnel with no sign of hope at the end.
My days run into each other in long trails of sadness, and I can’t seem to find a way out. Lord, I need You.
I am bombarded with all the ways the world promises to comfort me.
I long to escape with television, my phone, or an unhealthy relationship with food.
I don’t need another self-help book but I need You, Jesus.
Help me to set aside all that is not from You and just simply sit with You.
Comfort me through your Word, through worship music, and the people around me.
Please Lord, help me recognize the work of Your hand and give You glory.
So I cast all of my pain, hurt, burdens, and cares on You now.
Lord, I want to thank You that You’re a God who hears and answers prayer.
Please Lord, bring to my mind Your words that will comfort me.
The pain may never go away, and the loss will always be, but I rest assured that You will be with me, always.
Jesus You are my Lord and Savior.
Help me to surrender everything to You.
Please Lord, fill my hearts with Your peace and love.
Release me from pain and hurt that bond my soul.
I want to be free from all sadness.
I want to be healed from inside.
Sanctify Lord, my emotions and desires.
I want to be Yours, lord.
In Your precious name, I pray.
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