A Prayer For Courage And Wisdom

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

A Prayer For Courage And Wisdom

Dear Jesus,
I want to take time today to be still, thoughtfully consider all You have done in my life, and praise You for the good things You have provided me.
Give me courage, wisdom, opportunity, and the words to share You with someone who needs You as much as I do.
Lord, I need courage and boldness to talk about You with people around me.
I need Your wisdom to know when to speak and what to say.
Please, Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit to be able to reveal Your love to my family and friends.
Thank You for loving me, forgiving me, and never letting me go.
You are the reason for the hope that I have.
Thank You for my family.
I'm so grateful that I get to walk through life with them.
Even though we have days when we don't get along or have issues, I wouldn't know what to do without them.
Please watch over us over the coming year.
I also ask You Lord, for Your strength and guidance to where to go to preach Your name.
Help me to face their rejection and hatred with courage and grace.
May Your Holy Spirit be with me wherever I go, leading me in the path of righteousness.
I praise Your name with thanksgiving .

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