Prayer Thanking God For His Goodness

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

Prayer Thanking God For His Goodness

Gracious Lord,
Even though I am walking through the valley, I praise You for all that You have given me.
So often life presents me with such difficult circumstances and seasons, but I know that You are still good to me and You will change all my problems to the good.
You are continually pouring out goodness and joy even when it really doesn’t always feel like it.
Please Lord, help me lift my eyes above all that’s burying me down in darkness up to You, where there is always joy to be found.
Lord, I know while we are on this earth, trials will continue to come, but help me keep my heart so strong and firm on the truth of where my ultimate joy here is found in you.
And where my ultimate hope and home is in You, Lord.
Thank You, Jesus, for redeeming all things.
Thank You for always being by my side.
You gave Your word in the Gospel to remind me how merciful You are, and to remember what You did for me on the cross.
You gave me victory over all the evil spirits.
Today I rebuke the devil in Your name and he flees.
Thank You Lord for saving me.
In Jesus' name, I pray,

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