Morning Prayer Asking For Jesus' Presence In Us

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

Morning Prayer Asking For Jesus' Presence In Us

Dear Precious Lord,
I want to thank You this morning for the comfort You have given me this night.
You have given me a restful sleep without pain or nightmare.
Thank You for Your presence in me.
I feel the presence of Your Holy Spirit all night.
You are a good God and You give Yourself to anyone who asks You and believes in You.
Please Lord, I want to feel Your presence all the day.
Feeling Your presence is so comfortable.
Please help me Lord, to do not lose this joyful and restful feeling.
Today, I need Your wisdom in all what I say and do.
I want to reveal Your presence in me to all those who are around me, in order to share this comfort that I have with all whom I meet with today and everyday.
Thank You that I am not alone in my daily suffering, even though it may feel like it on this earth.
Living in this ugly world makes me suffer and get hurt almost all the time.
Please continue to help me to overcome any spirit of sadness and grief. Help me to heal and have the courage to find a new way to live.
Give me the strength to move forward and to eventually be able to help others who are grieving.
I want my life be a testimony to all Your goodness and love.
I want the people around me see how great You are and how You did change my life to Your glory.  
Help me Lord, to bring comfort to others as You have comforted me and draw them to You.
Your Spirit is the Spirit of comfort, joy, love, and life.
In your precious name, Jesus, I pray, amen.

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