Prayer Thanking Jesus For His Kingdom

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

Prayer Thanking Jesus For His Kingdom

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the grace and gift to be Your child.
I am seeking to be a member in Your kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Thank you for Your Holy Spirit that cleanse me and sanctify me to be in Your image and likeness.
You gave me Your life eternal.
How wonderful is Your name!
You have provided for me the one thing that is certain, timeless, and unshakable!
Your Kingdom on Heaven and on Earth.
May my heart pause in humble reverence for the secure identity I have in You.
I don’t have to let the world push and pull me towards chaos, fear, and panic.
I can live in peace and rest because I know that You are my refuge.
My home is with You, Lord.
I am so grateful to You cause You have saved me from sin and death.
Thank You for Your salvation plan.
Thank You for the forgiveness of sin in Your precious blood.
I praise Your name now and forever.

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