Prayer To Live With Humility

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer

Prayer To Live With Humility

Dear Jesus,
I come to You today asking Your help in the Holy Spirit to live with humility.
I know You show grace to the humble and I want to live my life covered by Your grace.
Remind me when I want to grab for control that You are the only One who knows the beginning from the end.
The only safe place I can be is under the shadow of Your wings.
Let me through the power of humility see myself in proper perspective, not considering myself better than others.
Let me share Your grace with others.
Remind me that I can boldly come to You for all I need because you are a good God who is full of mercy.
Grace is who You are and I never have to wonder if You want good things for me.
i thank You for Your provision, Your love, and Your sufficient grace in my life.
Please finish the work You have done in me and make me a new person full of Your love and kindness.
In Your precious name, I pray.

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