Have Rest In The Lord Not In The World (Mathew 11:28-30)

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Devotional

Have Rest In The Lord Not In The World (Mathew 11:28-30)

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Mathew 11:28-30.)

Most of us when we have time to rest, we sit on our phones scrolling. 
The more we scroll, the more we see and focus on the bad news of war all around us. 
We read about all the terrible and savage deeds of the devil in our world and we get terrified, anxious, and depressed. 
Unfortunately when we want to rest we seek the worldly rest, like watching a movie, go shopping, or even gathering with friends. 
But this is what the world suggests is rest, but it is not rest at all. 
It is actually time to cultivate inner turbulence that we will have to work out later. 
It may feel good at the moment but we will pay for it down the road. 
The real rest is in Jesus, our Savior, who loves us and came to our world to save us from all these false and fake feelings of peace and rest. 
Jesus promised to give rest to those who come to Him. 
He asks all the weary and burdened to come to Him and He will abolish all the negative feelings from them. 
It is only when we come to Jesus do we come to know the real rest. 
Only when we read His word in the Gospel, are the words of our minds calmed by the Prince of Peace.
Only when we step away to pray can we hear His voice and see His best way.
Distraction from our main goal, which is to be united with Jesus and rest in Him, is a delusion from the devil that does not serve us. 
The world slimes us with sin, pressure, and problems, while Jesus heals us from sin and its consequences. 
Jesus is the Only Way, The Life, and The Truth. It is only when we get united with Jesus through the Holy Spirit that leads to inner recuperation of our spirits, bodies, and minds. 
Jesus is calling us today to go to Him to have a real and complete rest. 
He is calling those who are weary and feeling overwhelmed and depressed hiding themselves behind their phones. 
He is calling those who are numbing themselves with parties, gatherings and activities to get themselves busy and pretending that they are happy and have it all together. 
Jesus wants us to come to Him and to hear His voice in order to direct us and lead us to real rest and peace. 

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