We Need To Start Our Day With God (Psalm 5:3-6,8)

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today' Devotional.

We Need To Start Our Day With God (Psalm 5:3-6,8)

We Need To Start Our Day With God.
“Listen to my words, O, LORD; pay heed to my sighs. Hear my cry for help, my King and my God; for to You I pray.
O LORD, at daybreak You hear my voice; at daybreak I bring my petition before You and await Your reply. For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil cannot remain in Your presence. The arrogant shrink before Your gaze; you hate all who do evil……..But I will enter Your house because of Your great kindness, and I will bow down in Your holy temple, filled with awe of You.” (Psalm 5:3-6,8.)

To start our day with God, as believers, and spend time with Him every morning, before we begin to tackle our to-do list and tasks, this will make a powerful impact on how we go about our day. 
God loves us and He wants a relationship with us through our prayers. He has always been intimately involved in our lives. 
He longs to hear from us. 
Jesus Himself said to ask Him whatever we want with faith, and He will answer all our requests. 
He also said that we are His temple where He will indwell. 
When we start our day with God, we can ask the Lord to help us through struggles we will encounter, through challenges we know are ahead, for help in a specific situation, and for help to guide us through the day. 
Jesus is the source of strength in hard times, wisdom for decisions that need to be made, and protection as we come and go. 
We can commit our day to Him and ask for His help. 
These days because of all what is happening in the world around us, we are reliable to be attacked with the spirit of fear and anxiety. 
However, when we start our day with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, we will take hold of and enter into His peace and rest. 
Peace is a precious gift from God that we can have the moment we wake up by spending time with Him. 
His goodness and faithfulness endures through our lives’ ups and downs. When we start our day with our Lord, Jesus, we give ourselves the chance to give thanks to Him and reflect on His grace and love for us. 
When we intentionally spend time with Jesus each day, our hearts become more like His. 
We also allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us. 

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