Prayer Asking for Jesus’ Grace And Forgiveness.

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer.

Prayer Asking for Jesus’ Grace And Forgiveness.

Dear Lord,
I feel weary, unworthy, confused, and do not deserve Your grace. 
I long to feel the weight of my sins lifted off of my shoulders and into Your gracious hands. 
I am in desperate need of Your mercy and forgiveness. 
Lord, I feel depleted, I lift all of my mistakes, shortcomings, and sins into Your merciful 
and gracious hand. 
bow before You and humbly surrender to You. 
I sprinkle Your precious blood for the forgiveness of my sins. 

Forgive me for my pride as I struggle to surrender. 
Forgive me for my tendency to lean on my strength, wisdom, and understanding 
in drawing plans to my life. 
Forgive me for trying to work things out independently without coming to You first. 
I need Your grace now, Jesus. 
I need Your peace and Your mercy. 
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit now and help me to rest in Your presence. 
I want to soak in Your rest and comfort. 

Thank You Jesus for giving me the privilege of being Your beloved son, 
to whom You gave all Your power and authority over the devil’s grip of sin and death. 
Thank You Jesus for the cross where You confronted the devil and You abolished 
all his demonic powers and spirits for my sake.
I praise Your name with thanksgiving, 

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