A Prayer Asking Jesus For Strength.

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer.

A Prayer Asking Jesus For Strength.

Lord Jesus,

I come to You seeking strength and endurance in the midst of this busy life. 
Grant me strength physically and mental fortitude to persevere through the tasks 
and responsibilities before me. Renew my energy and refresh my spirit, 
enabling me to face challenges with resilience and determination. 
Help me, Lord, to rely on Your strength not mine, knowing that with You, 
all things are possible. 
May Your empowering presence in the Holy Spirit, sustain me throughout this day
and all the days of my life. 

You said to ask You for anything, in Your will, with faith and You will answer our prayers. 
Lord, I come to You now asking Your comfort in the day of trouble. 
I trust that You can heal and restore me. 
Please Lord, guide my ways and give me strength to overcome the world and all its temptations. 
I know that You love me and I am never alone in my struggles. 
With you anything is possible. 
I believe that there is no sickness You cannot heal. 

Help me to understand Your plans and keep my heart soft towards You. 
You are the living God, and steadfast forever. 
Your dominion shall endure to the end. 
Please, Lord, deliver me from all my bondages and rescue me from the devil, my enemy.
Give me Lord, Your power and authority over all the evil spirits of sin. 
Please Lord, have mercy on me. 
I praise Your name now and forever, 

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