The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom
Today's Words of Wisdom
Knowing How To Discern the True Values (By Ben Sira)
Do nothing that will make you ashamed.
Take account of circumstances and beware of evil
so that you will have no cause to be ashamed.
There is a shame that leads to sin, and a shame that is honorable and gracious.
Do not be the cause of your own downfall by showing favoritism,
or incur ruin by your deference to others.
Do not refrain from speaking at an opportune time,
and do not conceal your wisdom.
For wisdom becomes known through the spoken word,
and learning through the words of the tongue.
Never attempt to speak what is contrary to the truth,
but rather feel ashamed at your own ignorance.
Do not be ashamed to confess your sins,
and do not attempt to struggle against a river’s currents.
Do not subject yourself to the foolish,
or show partiality to the powerful.
Fight to the death for truth, and the LORD God
will ally himself on your side.
Do not be impudent in your speech, or careless
and slack in your deeds.
Do not be like a lion in your home,
or be suspicious of your servants.
Do not keep your hand outstretched to receive
but closed when it is time to repay.
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