A Prayer To Seek Freedom From The Spirit Of Pride

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer 

A Prayer To Seek Freedom From The Spirit Of Pride

I confess that my ego likes it when people praise me for something I have done. 
Forgive me Lord, and remind me in the Holy Spirit to give You credit and know that my gifts and abilities to love and help others come directly from You. 
Jesus, I want to be humble like You and follow Your example to be willing to serve others as You have commanded us. 
Keep me from being caught up in wanting to be in charge of everything and be the subject of attention from people around me. 
I want to be free from this spirit of pride that makes me deal with arrogance with friends and relatives. 
Jesus, I want to be like You, meek and humble in heart. 
I rebuke in Your almighty name the spirit of pride. 
Help me Lord, to look for places to serve and uplift others. 
I want to please Your heart. Help me see opportunities to do good so people will be encouraged to seek You. 
Lord, I want to love unconditionally and purely like You. 
Thank You for Your salvation plan. 
You gave me the opportunity to have a new life in You. 
Every day I want to be filled more and more with Your Spirit so I can live according to Your plan and share Your great love with others. 
In Your name I pray. 

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