Those Who Fear The Lord Humble Themselves Before Him By Ben Sira

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Words of Wisdom

Those Who Fear The Lord Humble Themselves Before Him By Ben Sira

Those who fear the Lord do not disobey His words, and those who love Him keep His ways. 
Those who fear the Lord seek to please Him, and those who love Him are steeped in His law. 
Those who fear the Lord keep their heart prepared and humble themselves before Him. 
Woe to faint hearts and unwilling hands, and to the sinner who treads a double path. 
Woe to those with timid hearts who have no faith and who therefore will be unprotected. 
Woe to you who have forsaken patience; what will you do at the coming of the Lord? Let us fall into the hands of the Lord and not into the hands of men. 
For equal to His majesty is the mercy that He exhibits. 
And His works are in keeping with His name. 

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