A Prayer For Fullness Of Hope In Christ

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer 

A Prayer For Fullness Of Hope In Christ

Jesus my Lord,
Thank You for giving me Your word in the Gospel that reminds me everyday of how much You love me and want all the goodness for me. 
You are a good God, and forever Your mercy. 
We change by time but You never change. 
You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 
Lord, the unfairness of this world has a way of breaking my heart and I know it breaks Your heart too. 
Our world is full of evil and it tempts us to sin and be separated from You. 
Forgive me Lord, for allowing sin to separate me from being in a constant relationship with You and Your perfect design for my wellbeing. 
I know that some of the difficulties I am facing now are consequences of my sin and other ones are due to the devil’s persecution. 
Please, Lord, help me to endure all with Your grace. 
Please, Lord, help me to be filled with hope that I will change as well as my circumstances. 
Help me to abound in gratitude for the goodness You allow me to enjoy despite my shortcoming. 
Help me to forget and forgive those who hurt me. 
Please, Lord, give me Your overcoming power to live a holy life full of Your life, peace, and joy. 
Help me to pray without ceasing, with hope and faith in You, until I see the fulfillment of every promise from Your word. 
Remind me always that what You said is the truth and the way to the eternal life.  
I give You glory and honor now and forever. 

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