A Prayer Asking God For The Gift Of Discernment

The Bread of Life
Daily Devotionals - Prayers - Spiritual Growth - Words of Wisdom

Today's Prayer.

A Prayer Asking God For The Gift Of Discernment

A Prayer Asking God For The Gift Of Discernment

Dear Father God,
I surrender my plans to You and ask for Your will to be done in my life.
Please send me the spiritual gift of discernment in order to make wise decisions in my life. 
Help me to discern between truth and falsehood. 
Empower me to see Your truth in this fallen and corrupted world. 
Open my eyes to see beyond the surface of situations to what is really happening spiritually. 
Empower me to follow Your guidance. 
Help me to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. 
May I stand firm on the solid foundation of Your truth.  
In the time of confusion and delusion, guide me by Your Spirit to what is true. 
Illuminate Your word in my heart and mind, so I can see the depth of Your wisdom and discern Your will for my life. 
I rebuke all the spirits of deception and confusion in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. 
I declare my rejection to all the devilish spirits. 
I ask the power of the Holy Spirit to come now to strengthen my will and let it be against the evil spirits. 

In Your precious name, Father God I pray. 

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