Is Santa Claus A Christian?

Who is Santa Claus?
Is Santa Claus A Christian? 
Is He Saint Nicholas of Myra?!
What is the relation between Santa Claus and Arius?
Why is Santa Claus related to Christmas Eve?

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Is Santa Claus A Christian?

Santa is a name given to St. Nicholas, who was the Bishop of Myra (Turkey) in the fourth century.  
He was born to Christian parents, who left him an inheritance when they died. 
He became well-known for giving all his money to the poor. 
He loved Jesus from an early age and devoted his entire life to generous giving. 
He had a reputation for giving gifts and throwing bags of money into people’s homes. 
He gave a gift to a family who had three daughters who were to be sold for prostitution, and he paid their debt. 
St. Nicholas’ reputation for generosity and kindness gave stories of miracles he performed for the poor and the unhappy.
He was imprisoned and tortured during the persecution of the Christians by the Roman Emperor Diocletian but released under the rule of Constantine the Great. 
He attended the first Council of Nicea where he allegedly struck the heretic Arius in the face.
 He was buried in his church at Myra, and by the sixteenth century, his shrine there had become well known. 
In 1087 Italian sailors stole his alleged remains from Myra and took them to Bari in Italy. 
This removal greatly increased the saint’s popularity in Europe, and Bari became one of the most crowded of all pilgrimage centers. 
St. Nicholas’ relics remained enshrined in the eleventh-century Basilica of St. Nicholas at Bari, though fragments have been acquired by churches around the world. 
In 2017 researchers dated one such relic fragment, a piece of a hip bone, from a church in the United States, and confirmed it to be from the fourth century.
 The Catholic Church named him the protector of children, seamen, and merchants.
In the Middle Ages, devotion to him extended to all parts of Europe.
 He became the patron of Saints of Russia and Greece; of charitable fraternities and guilds; of children, sailors, and unmarried girls. 
St. Nicholas’ miracles were a favorite subject for medieval artists and liturgical plays.

After the Reformation, devotion to the saint disappeared in all protestant countries in Europe except Holland. 
Dutch colonies took this tradition with them to New Amsterdam in the American colonies, which is New York City, in the seventeenth century. 
St. Nicholas was adopted by the country's English-speaking majority under the name Santa Claus. 
The resulting image of Santa Claus in the United States crystallized in the nineteenth century, and he has ever since remained the patron of the gift-giving festival of Christmas.


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