"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." (James 1:2-3)

It felt like a fight to hold onto peace, hope, and joy in this evil world as a Christian. We knew from the word of God in the Gospel that the peace that Jesus gives His children is not like the fake peace and joy that the world gives us, it is not circumstantial and conditional, but it is His peace and joy that nobody can take from us. It is unconditional and uncreated peace. We need to lean on God’s grace to receive this joy and peace. We need His grace to get through every day and count it joy amid the trials. Jesus told us that He never tempts us, but it is the devil our enemy. Satan is the one who is challenging our faith and testing it all the time by sending trials. But St. James, in his letter, is encouraging us saying that we must count it joy when the devil tempts us with various difficulties, cause while facing these trials with faith and trust in the Lord our Savior, we grow up spiritually and gain patience which is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. This sharpening or testing of our faith will cause tolerance in us to grow and strengthen. In all these painful and stressful situations, God does not permit them but uses them to sanctify us so that we are conformed more into the image of Christ. The Lord turns all evil against us into our good. Now we can have joy knowing that these storms and difficulties are molding us into looking more like Christ.

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